Github issues/discussions?

Hey, congratulations on your progress so far, and thanks for opening up the github repos :slight_smile:

Are you planning on enabling issues and/or discussions within github?

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Thank you so much for following our progress :grin: !

We will eventually!

For now we’re barely getting started and that’d take a lot of investment to do it properly.

We don’t want to let your issues or discussions go stale.

We’ll be sure to get you all notified once we do!

One thing I forgot to add, we’d love your feedbacks on here, in discourse, that we can do for now :grin: !

I don’t seem to have permissions to raise/create topics as yet.

One thing I’d really like to see is kanbans within workspaces which can be configured to use as many or as little projects within the workspace as desired - per person.

My team gave up on the Taiga 6 kanban because of the detail with User Stories required - Tenzu already addresses that. They then settled on issues but became frustrated with no kanban on issues. Tenzu already addresses thatas when.

It looks like Tenzu doen’t handle kanban across multiple projects - does - which is what my team setttled on.

I’m hoping Tenzu will be able handle multiple projects on a kanban - configurable per user - at some stage in the future.

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Hello @csmu and thank you for your feedback,
Could you tell us a bit more about why you need a multi-projects kanban? What kind of use cases and for what kind of users are you trying to solve?
It would help us to know a bit more about your context and operational issues :slight_smile:

Your problem about replying to / opening topics may be from creating a topic in Feedback & Ideas and not in Tenzu or Site .

We have no real reason to keep Feedback & Ideas closed as it is right now so I’ll open it aswell in case you have general feedback too about anything else :grin: :+1: !

Thank you for your interest in our project, it means a lot! :pray:

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Many businesses - mine included - run multiple projects at once. More than one project for more than one client at a time.

The use case is to manage the entire work flow through a business - allowing for the impact of one project against another.

Sometimes the business owner/project manager would want to see all projects at once - sometimes just the core ones. Being able to zoom in and zoom out and to filter at will like taiga would be extremely valuable.

Thank you very much for the explanation.

When you say “manage the entire work flow”, what is the kind of information that you are looking for exactly? What are the “business owners/project managers” searching for that would help them in their role? And what kind of problems are they trying to solve with that information?

I’m trying to get a precise picture because providing better insight for decision-making people is exactly what we aim to do with Tenzu :slight_smile: