On GitHub Tenzu front About the link in the text “Tenzu” is not working.
It redirects you to https://tenzu.app
instead of https://tenzu.net
It’s not a bug, it’s a feature!
In all seriousness, the link is correct but it will only work once we have released our first stable release, for now it’s only a sneak peek of what the url will be ;).
We should probably have used https://demo.tenzu.app in the meantime but we were afraid to forget about it later on
Thank you very much for your attentiveness and for warning us!
Why not use a coming soon page? Looks more professional than a coming out error page in my opinion. Like Coming Soon Landing Page Website Template | WIX
I can only agree with you but we have to make do with the resource that we currently have, and taking the time to design and deploy a landing page would take some time that we don’t have when the problem will be solved on its own in a few months. I apologise for the inconvenience in the meantime.
There are free coming soon templates that you can download and use like this on the internet, so you don’t actually have to spend any time designing the coming soon page.
Still time to choose and deploy that I humbly think can be better spent elsewhere for now