Support more Databases

Taiga only supports PostgreSQL. It would be great to support MySQL as well. I still prefer MySQL for production environments because I can use Galera (eg. Percona XtraDB) to implement simple self-maintaining multinode replication, and I think it’s easier to configure and maintain. It would also make Tenzu more accessible - MySQL tends to be more widely available on hosting platforms.

Does Tenzu use Django ORM? What are the technical hurdles for supporting other RDBMs?

Yes Tenzu is using the Django ORM, but it also makes heavy use of some Postgresql specific extensions and there are some raw SQL queries so unfortunately, making Tenzu DB-agnostic would be an heavy endeavour; even more so since our expertise in DB lies in Postgres only.
What we can think about doing would be to list every Postgres-specific parts in the source code so that it would make it easier to contribute support for more RDBMs later on for those interested.

We will also make available all of our k8s recipe files and write the necessary documentation to make the deployment process as painless as possible for our users (that’s in our current roadmap).

Postgres tends to be more and more available on hosting platform as time go so I hope this will soon not be as much of an issue anymore.

MySQL or MariaDB isn’t really a DBMS … more a DataCenter …

If you start to support this DB, you have to make many security functions out of the DB, because there are some issues, that MySQL/MariaDB can’t handle direct. (e.g. there is no difference between NULL and Zero.)

PostGreS is much better (with performance, security, functionality aso.)
Many projects starting to change their strategy because of that.

I don’t want to make trouble, just to explain, why we should not start supporting more than PostGreSQL.
