Tenzu: Origin story

Hello there Spacesheeps! :tenzu:

:star2: This day marks the beginning of a series of blog posts on our website https://tenzu.net. :star2:

We’ve been hard at work for the past months and we’re finally ready to talk to you a bit more about the project, what we’ve done until now and even some give you some visuals!

Our first publication aims to give you a better understanding of our origins and how we’ve come to do what we do today, including answers to:

  • How did we get to take on Taiga Next’s legacy?
  • How did we transition from Taiga Next to Tenzu?

If any of these questions come to your minds I’d suggest you give it a look :grin: !

Link to the article

Stay on the lookout :eyes: , more to come in the following days!

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I don’t know if it’s just me but the link to the article leads to a ‘Page not found’ error.

Same as the other thread, could you try deleting your browser cache and tell me which locale you’re using? (FR/EN?)

Apologies for the late reply - life got unexpectedly busy.

To answer your question, I’m using the EN locale. Clearing my browser cache didn’t resolve the issue. I also tried accessing the link in incognito/private mode and tested it with another browser, as well as on a free-to-use browser virtualization service. Unfortunately, the problem persists.

This is the link I am seeing https://tenzu.net/blog/tenzu-loutil-cr%C3%A9%C3%A9-par-une-%C3%A9quipe-de-frustr%C3%A9s-de-la-gestion-de-projet-informatique/

Let me know if you need any additional information.

I have managed to reproduce the 404 :slight_smile:
There seems to be a problem in the automatic redirection depending on the locale that you are in. I will fix it; in the meantime, this link should work:

Thank you very much for raising this issue with us!

All links should be working now, there was an issue with the redirection depending on what English locale you had, weird Django i18n magic :magic_wand:

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Removed announcement